Design Rationale
Choice: brief C Six pack beverage packaging
Brief information on choice:
I decided to work on designing the packaging for a new energy drink plainly out of interest as well as relevance since the “wow factor and “shouting to customers” in an energy drink packaging stands out amongst the many beverages (as present in examples such as V, mother and red bull etc). Being largely dependent on interesting and though provoking graphic embellishments I felt great space for exploration and experimentation.
• Looking into various cardboard six pack beverage packagings through both the internet and supermarkets a few common issues which could be better resolved were evident. By developing a checklist of technical problems to prioritise really helped initiate the design process. Currently there are a great use of glues and resins which are added to the tabs of many to give the boxes enough strength to hold the full six cans. This is a clear environmentally unfriendly procedure. Although there were examples of more eco-friendly designs (eco friendly by means of material saving and glue elimination.) for example the mother energy drink which its minimalistic structure (plainly one rectangular sheet of card folded and joined together with tabs (no glue)) which was inspiration on the environmental and ease of manufacturing side. However the design limits the box’s usage to only in the supermarket shelfs and maybe the last minutes in one’s car boot before it gets discarded. This is because the cans are only locked in when it’s a full house (when there are 6).
• Taking these technical issues into consideration the decision was to take up a little more material compared to the mother packaging to have two side pieces which act as lids (this keeps the cans in the box no matter if one or more is consumed). Till now the design is yet just a box; to be more interesting in form great use of negative space was incorporated which later on will also support the branding and identity building of my new brand. The final form of the design will be further discussed.
• Through research of large and successful energy drinks such as V, red bull, mother and monster etc each had their own target market which relates to later the graphic designs. Xeno is targeted to cramming students at young ages around 18-20s who would assumingly be attracted to somewhat fashionable or fancy graphic embellishments. The brand name “Xeno” meaning alien fits the purpose to promote unearthly energy characteristic to the drink. The character of the drink is to be power yet mysterious. This enabled the development of a psychedelic theme; being strange and unknown however energetic and dynamic.
Graphic concepts
• The first few concepts were however too monotonous by itself which could be striking at first sight however causes people to loos interest in later stages. The second concept developed more content and depth to the graphic however found still too singular and drab. To counter such issue the graphics must be not blob like and is supposed to be more though provoking to buyers when visualising.
• By eliminating the glowing edges (which caused a material gap as cardboard does not have a mercury glow) and adding unknown electric tubes which run along the image forming a tunnel which draws the eyes to the brand name in the centre was my final solution. With the dark background aided the energy tubes to stand out and also creates depth to the image. This graphic runs throughout, consistent however not the symmetrical on the packaging.
Type facing and words
• The words one the packaging took some fiddling with typography. The goal is to use a type face which relates to a sci-fi or almost space craft like character. The result was “Bauhaus 93” font which was neutral and less gender based as “Xeno” being alien shouldn’t be described by anything human such as times new roman or other serif scripts. Bauhaus 93 allowed the words to be unpredictable yet clean. The slogan or supporting words chosen are to be something which matches the logo and brand name however not the same. This is to prevent monotony of the product. “Unearthly Power” was to the supporting slogan to promote the dink to be an unhuman source of power. Using the type face “Orator Std” created direct relation to the Bauhaus 93, still neutral and easy to read; being slim simple and clean. “POWER” on the other hand needed not to be subtle “Mesquite Std” being thick and bold and almost explosive I found really appropriate for the support text. The rest are the important messages and additional customer information which is mean to be small but readable, I chose Calibri (in white which stands out of the black background) as it is a very clear simple type face; giving no emotion and plainly delivering the message.
The final structure
• The final form of the packaging was derived from the X for Xeno however not too symmetrical as the X itself. The shape was also reference to an organic shape almost like an alien foot. The box as previously considered was resolved using a non glue tab at the bottom which gives the box sufficient strength as well as being environmentally friendly.
• Experimenting with ordinary tab lock systems commonly used in boxes proved the card to fatigue after repetitive openings. Using tab locks eliminates another found issue; many people shred the box to open it as they are glued.
• To differ from the usual box locks a recessed tab access was added, this increases the angle of the locking tab’s fold which prevents the material from fabricating; this is because the locking is done more by friction than the tab itself, unless a person pulls the tab to release the packaging stays strong during transportation and stacking on the shelves. A simple dual-hole handles system proved to be a good solution rather than using an extra protruding bag handle. These holes are located where the bottles do not interfere when placed in a group of six. This allows the box to be easier carried both from the shelves to the trolley, to one’s car or outside of home.
Accessing the cans
• Access from both sides not only allows users to easily grab the can but also gives a fresh feel when opening it. Promoted as unearthly the opening is designed to have the effect of specially concealed energy source or battery charges rather than the usual six pack drink. This is similar to the sports cars with doors opening upwards; exciting teenagers and delivering a fresh feel overall.
Design conclusion
• Essentially the design is aimed to attract the target market through the aesthetics and meaning behind the packaging as a whole. The design is supported by both the form and structure of the packing and the complex psychedelic graphic embellishing. The style is kept homogenous and is purposed to portray a distinct brand “the new drink Xeno”. The design also considers the reusability of the box taking its strength and transportation outside of the market shelves and home storages. This enables this drink to be enjoyed in various occasions and locations.
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